[EN] About Us


„Stadt selber machen“/“Build your city” is a campaign by various groups and individuals in Freiburg who are engaged in socially equitable urban development from the bottom up. We organize ourselves solidary and decentralized to promote alternatives to the destructive and profit-oriented developments.

Between 2009 and 2013 the prices pro squaremeter grew between 30% and 60%. For many, up to the half of the wage gets spent on rent; others have to leave too expensive Freiburg. Along with economically disadvantaged, students are massively victims of expensive rents and lack of living space in Freiburg.
We look at Freiburg and see a city that puts profit before people and their needs, where public space is more and more privatized and alternative lifestyles, like living in trucks and trailors (Wägen), have been criminalized and made almost impossible for years.

We believe that the existing ownership structures and the lack of collective structures are roots of the problem. Through various kinds of actions, we thus want to spread collectivization and self-governing.

With our campaign we want to raise awareness of gentrification and roughen up Freiburgs daily grind with spectacular interventions.

Watch out for announcements, we’ll see us on the streets and in the houses!

We position ourselves along the lines of the People’s Global Action hallmarks
People’s Global Action hallmarks